Why Use A Dewater Screw Press To Treat Manure On Your Farm?

Posted on: 5 February 2021


If your livestock produce more manure than you know what to do with, then it might be worth investing in a dewater screw press. What does this machine do and what are the advantages of using it on your farm?

What Is a Dewater Screw Press?

A dewater screw press basically separates liquid and solid waste. You put your manure in the machine and, as it moves through the press, the separation process starts.

Once the main solids move away from the waste's liquid content, they are pressed and squeezed to remove any residual liquid. At the end of the process, all the liquid drains away, and you are left with a dry solid by-product.

Why Use a Dewater Screw Press?

A dewater screw press enables you to treat excess manure waste. It helps you turn this waste into usable products. In some cases, this saves you money; in others it might even help you make more money.

So, for example, you could turn raw manure into an organic fertilizer product or compost. If you use this yourself on your land, then you could reduce your own fertilizing costs. You won't need to buy treatments. Plus, you might be able to sell the treated manure after it's been through the dewater screw process. Some gardeners like to use manure as a fertilizer or compost but don't want to use fresh waste. The smell can be overpowering.

Or, they might know that fresh manure can't be applied to gardening projects all that easily. It can overpower the soil and affect its nutritional values. So, they might prefer a dry cake product that doesn't have these problems. They can also store the fertilizer in this form without any problems if they don't want to use it immediately.

Some farmers also turn their manure back into livestock bedding. For example, if you use sand-based bedding, then your cattle might ingest some of the sand which then comes out in their manure. If you put the manure through a dewater screw press, then you can reclaim some of this bedding. Once it has completely dried, you can use it again. This could significantly reduce your bedding overheads. You won't need to buy as much fresh material as you would if you didn't dewater your manure.

To find out more about the benefits of dewatering your cattle manure and to see some examples of suitable machines, contact a dewater screw press retailer like AL-INS Enterprises, LLC.