Timber Storage Tips

Posted on: 4 October 2021


Timber can be a base supply for a wide range of projects that can include construction, furniture making, and firewood. Whether you are responsible for overseeing the logistical challenge of supplying a business with timber or simply need timber for a personal project, there are several important factors that you will have to consider throughout the process of buying the timber that you will need.

Consider Whether You Need Soft Or Hard Wood For Your Project

It is important to appreciate that there are different types of wood, and you will need to determine whether you need soft or hard woods for the project. For example, softwoods can be easier to manipulate. This can lead to them being popular for use in making furniture and decorations. This may lead to some people assuming that softwoods are only suitable for use indoors. However, there are many softwoods that can also be durable enough for use outdoors. In particular, cedar is a popular option for those that are needing to make outdoor furniture as it can be easy to work with while still providing the durability that is needed.

Store The Timber In A Suitable Area

Whenever you are storing a large amount of timber, it is essential to make sure that it is being properly stored. Unfortunately, some of the best storage practices for timber can be counterintuitive. For example, some individuals may assume that timber should always be stored in an area that is extremely dry. However, it is often better to store the wood where it can be continuously sprayed with a sprinkler system. This is due to the ability that the water will help to reduce the risk of the timber developing large cracks due to shrinking as it dries out. Additionally, the water can help to protect the wood against some common insects, rodents, and other pests that would otherwise damage the logs.

Protect The Stored Timber From Pest Damage

While spraying water on the timber can help to deter some pests from damaging the logs, you may still need to take other steps to reduce the risk of pests causing problems. This is especially true for the areas that you store the logs that are actively being used by your workers. This should include the use of pesticides and other chemical treatments. These treatments should be applied to the short-term storage area that your workers use to keep logs that they expect to need during their shift.

For more information, contact a timber supplier in your area, like Liese  Lumber Co Inc.